Kids Go Krazy for Kahoot!

What is Kahoot you ask? Where do I begin... If you look on the Kahoot site it will tell you, "Kahoot! is a free game-based learning platform that makes it fun to learn – any subject, in any language, on any device, for all ages!" That is true; however, in my room Kahoot is so much more.

I have used Kahoot in my classroom for the past 2 years. It is something that I utilize weekly to encourage student engagement and collaboration. Kahoot is also something that I have used for pre- and post- assessments. I have utilized this FREE resource for review, brain-breaks and for a little friendly competition. Another one of my favorite ways to use Kahoot is to have students create their own Kahoots for enrichment. Students create the Kahoot quiz game and the class plays--talk about getting students pumped for participating!  If you haven't tried it out, don't waste another minute!

You may be wondering, is this Kahoot you speak of time consuming and difficult to implement? The answer is NO! You could use Kahoot each and every day and never have to recreate the wheel. At this moment, there are tens, hundredsthousands of pre-made Kahoots just waiting for you and your class to enjoy!

Want to know more? Here are 2 quick videos I have created to get you started on your path to increased student engagement and F U N with Kahoot!  Then, visit to get started :)

Leave a comment below to let me know how YOU will be using Kahoot in your classroom!


  1. Kahoot is a great tool to engage students! I also love to use Plickers as a formative assessment piece. You mention using several apps during instruction, what kind of devices do you have available in your classroom?

    1. I have done some research on Plickers (mostly through social media, YouTube and other blogs) but have yet to try that out in my own room, I need to give it a shot! In our classroom we have 4 student lap tops at all times as well as my personal iPad and 2 ollllldd, ancient really, iPhones that have been wiped clean that we use for basic things like QR code reading and Kahoot! I check out our laptop cart (16 computers) for my team and I to utilize as often as I can. We are working on getting our school Chromebook carts up and running (Chromebooks are my absolute favorite) and I cannot wait for my kiddos to get their hands on them. We make do with what we have and go to the computer lab when I NEED each child to have a device. My students are great about sharing and collaborating when it comes time to utilize the technology that we have daily :)


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