Fri-YAY, App Day Presents: Tellagami!

Hooray! We've made it another week! Did this week feel extra crazy to anyone else?! I am exhausted and ready to reflect on all the AWESOMENESS that took place in my room this week.

This Fri-YAY, App Day I want to introduce you to a free(ish) app called Tellagami! I discovered this App on Twitter a few weeks ago and have been hooked ever since. So, what is Tellagami you ask? It's an easy to use app that will keep your students engaged in every subject area. More specifically, "Tellagami is a fun, new way to share animated messages. Customize your character. Change its mood or outfit. Record your voice or add dialogue. Then share your Gami video."

You may be wondering, "What does she mean by free(ish)?" The app itself, in a very usable form, is FREE; however, to make your Tellagami's more personal you will need to buy the Tellagami EDU app for $4.99 (which, in my opinion, is totally worth it!).

When I first opened the app I had a million ideas in my head on how to use it! As I started playing around with the app, I decided I would make a quick I N F E R E N C I N G video!

My kids were immediately engaged and wanted more! What my students want, my students get!

As most of you know, my 4th graders are participating in the Global Read Aloud. My class used our GRA book, Fish in a Tree to make a Tellagami describing the main character, Ally Nickerson. My students were so thrilled to share our Tellagami with the other GRA classrooms on Twitter & Instagram!

Tellagami has already made a big impact in my classroom. This app could easily be used to engage students in EVERY subject area. I cannot wait until we can utilize this resource next! 

Want to learn more? Click HERE for a fantastic Tellagami tutorial by Debbie Boyer!


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